Mobilization of solar power is still low, coal power has skyrocketed throughout the system

Although there are many renewable power projects (solar power and wind power) forwarding additional generation to the grid, compared to a year ago, solar power output across the system is still lower, in which the power output is still lower. Coal emissions increased sharply again.

In July, Vietnam Electricity Group (EVN) said it had ensured sufficient electricity supply to serve socio-economic development and meet the daily needs of the people. The entire system's electricity production in July reached 26.20 billion kWh - an increase of 7.1% over the same period last year. Accumulated for 7 months, the entire system's electricity output reached 160.58 billion kWh, up 1.9% over the same period.

The ratio of mobilization of some types of power sources to the total electricity output of the entire system in July is as follows: Hydropower reached 36.80 billion kWh, accounting for 22.9%. EVN further informed that currently the Northern lakes continue to have very poor water flow, only reaching 30 - 60% of the average for many years, with almost no floods.

This year's hydroelectric power source is nearly 16 billion kWh lower than the same period last year

In addition, coal thermal power reached 79.95 billion kWh, accounting for 49.8%. The report said that after the direction of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Vietnam National Coal and Mineral Group (TKV) and Dong Bac Corporation delivered an increased volume of coal compared to the contract. , ensuring coal-fired power plants produce higher electricity output and increase inventory reserves.

Renewable energy reached 22.11 billion kWh, accounting for 13.8% (of which solar power reached 15.48 billion kWh, wind power reached 6.06 billion kWh). Gas turbines reached 18.01 billion kWh, accounting for 11.2%. According to EVN, the amount of gas supplied is still low compared to the operating needs of gas power plants (because gas fields have declined); Oil thermal power reached 1.23 billion kWh, accounting for 0.8% and imported electricity reached 2.22 billion kWh, accounting for 1.4%.

Notably, 1 year ago, electricity output across the system also increased.

Specifically, by the end of July 2022, the total output of the entire system reached 158.02 billion kWh, an increase of 4.2% over the same period. Notably, hydropower output reached 52.58 billion kWh, accounting for 33.3%, 15.78 billion kWh higher than the same period this year. In contrast, coal thermal power reached 63.94 billion kWh, accounting for 40.5%, more than 16 billion kWh lower than the same period this year. From May to June, hydroelectric production output continuously decreased, water levels at hydroelectric reservoirs fell below alarming levels, so mobilized hydroelectric sources decreased. To compensate, coal-fired plants must increase capacity. Therefore, the increase in coal thermal power this year is equivalent to the decrease in hydropower.

Tuy vậy, số liệu cho thấy, nguồn năng lượng tái tạo năm ngoái so năm nay không có nhiều thay đổi. Tính hết tháng 7.2022, sản lượng điện từ năng lượng tái tạo đạt 22,06 tỉ kWh, chiếm 14% (trong đó điện mặt trời đạt 16,54 tỉ kWh, điện gió đạt 5,24 tỉ kWh); hết tháng 7.2033 điện tái tạo đạt 22,11 tỉ kWh, chỉ tăng hơn 0,5 tỉ kWh, trong đó, điện mặt trời năm nay còn huy động thấp hơn năm ngoái 1,06 tỉ kWh.

Meanwhile, this year, the grid has added many transitional solar and wind power plants after successfully negotiating temporary prices and receiving temporary price approval from the Ministry of Industry and Trade. As of August 1, 59/62 projects have completed temporary price negotiations and signed power purchase contracts with the Electricity Trading Company under EVN. According to EVN, the accumulated electricity output of transitional renewable energy projects from the time of COD commercial operation to July 31, 2023 reaches about 211.7 million kWh; includes an average daily electricity output of about 3.2 million kWh, accounting for about 0.4% of the total mobilized power output.




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